



  • Orders that are readily available in stock will be shipped within 3 working days.
  • Orders that are 'Made to Order' will be shipped within 7 working days.
  • Orders will be delivered only to the address provided during the checkout stage


  • Orders that are readily available in stock will be shipped within 3 working days.
  • Orders that are 'Made to Order' will be shipped within 7 working days.
  • Orders will be delivered only to the address provided during the checkout stage

    Shipping Charges

    • FREE shipping charges for all domestic orders
    • Cash on Delivery(COD) is available only for orders below INR5,000
    • For all COD orders, INR100 per order is applicable and will be added at the checkout stage
    • Shipping charges will vary depending on the international destination and the order value.
    • The shipping charges will be mentioned clearly during the checkout stage.
    • Any additional custom duty/ levies shall be borne by the customer.


    *YoshnasByEla cannot take responsibility and shall not be liable for any delivery delays arising due to natural calamities, Government induced lockdowns, State, International border closures, etc. that are beyond our control.

    *Working days are defined as Monday Saturday.